2- Public Enemy #1 (J.Period Remix)
3- If You See Something, Say Something (Interlude)
4- 99 Problems (feat. Jay-Z)
5- Under The Brooklyn Bridge
6- Under The Brooklyn Bridge (feat. Martin Luther King)
7- Welcome To BK (Interlude)
8- No Sleep Til Brooklyn (feat. Jean Grae , Math)
9- Born In Brooklyn (Interlude)
10- Goin Back To Cali (feat. Zion I)
11- Peter Piper (The Manifesto)
12- Rebelion-Superheros (Interlude)
13- Peter Piper
14- '89 Netic Freestyle
15- Freedom Ring Freestyle (J.Period Jackin For Beats Remix)
16- Radio Play (Interlude)
17- Mind Playin Tricks
18- My Adidas
19- GR Live (Interlude)
20- Toy Soldiers Freestyle
21- Impossible Freestyle
22- Divid & Conquer (Interlude)
23- Back Down
24- Get Mad! (Outtro)

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